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6 Activities to do at Home This Summer

Dom McShan, M.Ed., REALTOR®

August 1, 2022

 With rising gas prices and the threat of inflation, you might choose to forgo your summer road trip and vacation. That doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun right in your own home. Here you’ll find a list of things you can do at home to keep summer fun going for you and your family.

Have a backyard picnic

Picnics don’t have to be elaborate events complete with an Instagram-worthy charcuterie board. You can prepare whatever meal or snack that you like and simply take it outside. You’ll want to lay out some blankets and pillows in your backyard, creating a comfortable spot for you and your loved ones to enjoy the food. You can even have a late-night picnic and add in some stargazing to your evening.

Read a book (or two)

As the days grow longer, you’ll find that you have more hours in the day to do what you might have been pushing off. This makes summer the perfect time to mark a few books off your to-be-read list. Maybe you have just one book that you’ve been meaning to read for a while, or perhaps you seem to buy a book everywhere you go. Whatever the case may be, start conquering that list this season. You can even take advantage of the warmer weather by reading outside!

Try new recipes

Between TikTok and Instagram, new recipes are being created every day. Now’s your chance to try out those recipes. Look for options outside your comfort zone or that you normally wouldn’t try. Summer is prime produce season, so it’s a great time to utilize the wonderful produce at your local grocery store or farmers market. And if you have kids, you can even make it a family event. You can’t go wrong with a personal pizza night or baking competition.

Do a craft

There’s an endless number of crafts that you can do this season. You can try a DIY project that you saved on Pinterest years ago. You can break out the crayons and colored pencils and have a drawing contest with your kids. You can even try tie-dying a t-shirt, pillow, bag, or whatever else you think needs a pop of color. Crafting is a fun, productive way to spend your summer hours, so get creative and try making something new. 

 Build a fort and have a movie marathon

No matter the age, everybody loves a good fort. And what’s better than having a movie marathon in that fort? Building a fort is as easy as taking some extra sheets or your couch cushions and hanging or stacking them until you have a nice, cozy area. You can even dig through your attic for your holiday lights and take your fort to the next level. Throw in extra pillows, blankets, and snacks and you’ll have the ultimate movie-watching experience.

Go on a scavenger hunt

If you have kids, a scavenger hunt is a simple yet fun way to fill an afternoon. You can have a hunt around your house or take it outside and around your neighborhood. All you need to do is make a list of objects for your kids to find in a specific area. The first child to mark off everything from the list wins!

Your summer can be loads of fun without having to break the bank with a big trip. All it takes is a little creativity. Why not stay home and make the most of what you can of the longer days and warmer weather?

If you have any questions about your real estate goals feel free to give me call/text at 254-276-3551 or schedule a consultation today.

Dominique "Dom" McShan, REALTOR® is an investor, real estate consultant, entreprenuer, and marketing professional that empowers individuals through education and advocacy. Dom is a Louisiana native, Army spouse and Texas transplant, serving the Central Texas real estate market—specializing in Waco, Temple, and Killeen, Texas. He leverages 9+ years of marketing and education experience to advocate, represent and educate clients through their real estate and business endeavors.

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